October Holidays

Our October Holiday list will be located on the wall next to the big hall door from Monday 24th September till Wednesday 10th October at 6pm.

All activities have been chosen by the children, which are;

Monday 15th  – Nerf Gun Day

Tuesday 16th – Jump Station

Wednesday 17th  – Bake off

Thursday 18th – Gaming/Movie day

Friday 19th – Swimming

Monday 22nd – Clip & Climb (this might be changed depending on numbers)


September Snack

Here is a little look at what your child/ren will be having for snack throughout September.  Snack is based around the recommendations from the eat well plate as well as suggestions from the children.

           Snack Rota September


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Cereal Breadsticks, carrot, cucumber & dip Sandwiches with cheese or ham Oatcakes & rice cakes Pasta & cheese sauce


Carrot’s, cucumber, peppers & dip Wraps with ham, cheese, cucumber and tomato Crackers/

digestives & cheese

Yoghurts & rice tea (plain biscuit) Wraps


Oatcakes & rice cakes Sandwiches with cheese or ham Breadsticks, carrot, cucumber & dip Cereal Toast & beans


Yoghurt & rice tea (plain biscuit) Crackers/

Digestives & cheese

Wraps with ham, cheese, cucumber and tomato Carrot’s, cucumber, peppers & dip Make your own pizza


We also offer fresh fruit every day.

Drinks offered are milk, water or sugar free diluting juice.

All dietary/cultural requirements are catered for and prepared to specific requirements.

Security Door

Could all parents and carers please remember to fully close the security door when they enter and leave the community wing.

Could we please ask that when entering the wing that you have an extra look behind you to make sure that the light above the door is green as this indicates that the door is locked.  If you are leaving could you also please give the door an extra push as you close it as this will allow the door to catch onto the lock.

This is to make sure that all your children are safe and secure wile at SOOSCC so we would appreciate your cooperation.


Thank you, staff of SOOSCC.